Category: Diet & Fitness

Including these 2 food groups in your diet can reduce diabetes risk by 50%

SHUTTERSTOCK Collectively,  type 1 and type 2 diabetes affect about 10% of people in the US (30.3 million).Sufferers with type 1 disease are unable to properly regulate the amount of glucose in their blood.Type 2 diabetes refers to a condition that makes patients incapable of producing insulin-a hormone responsible for helping our cells convert blood glucose into…

By Theselfhelpguide September 12, 2022 0

This expert says lunch is the most important meal now and here’s why

The popular phrase was always, “Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.” But now, between popular eating choices like intermittent fasting and the coronavirus pandemic upending people’s daily schedules, it’s time to take a look at each meal and reevaluate the roles they play within our days.Ladders spoke to Dr. Brooke Scheller, the Director of…

By Theselfhelpguide August 9, 2022 0