Category: Self Help

Anxiety: What it is, what to do?

By Francesca Coltrera, Editor, Harvard Health Blog While anxiety symptoms vary widely, odds are good that at some point you’ve experienced occasional physical and emotional distress signals such as panicky breathing, your heart pounding in your chest, trouble sleeping, feelings of dread, or even loops of worry. That’s normal. Want to learn how to over come…

By Theselfhelpguide January 23, 2024 0

Apple’s plan to scan your phone raises the stakes on a key question: can you trust Big Tech?

Laurin Weissinger September 18, 2021   Apple’s plan to scan customers’ phones and other devices for images depicting child sexual abuse generated a backlash over privacy concerns, which led the company to announce a delay. Apple, Facebook, Google and other companies have long scanned customers’ images that are stored on the companies’ servers for this material. Scanning data on…

By Theselfhelpguide December 21, 2023 0

The Panic Miracle

Your Brain Activity and Panic Attack Actual scientific studies on the brain (scan demonstrations) show that once a person goes through a panic attack, the activity in his brain (the blood flow) shifts from the front of the brain (where rational thoughts are processed) to the mid brain (the part of brain which is most…

By Theselfhelpguide November 17, 2023 0

Menopause Is Not A Life Sentence

Don’t Let Menopause Symptoms Hijack Your Health, Your Energy Or Your Life For One More Day! Click here for more information on the All-Natural Step-By-Step Plan Eliminates Menopause Symptoms in Just Days! To My Fellow Peri-Menopausal and Menopausal Friends: It can make you dizzy, bloated, hot and cranky. It comes and goes like the tide…striking your…

By Theselfhelpguide November 13, 2023 0

If you use these types of words frequently, you are an extrovert

Introversion has a negative connotation in the popular understanding of the term—perhaps unfairly. On its face, and in comparison with its counter dimension (extroversion), it simply denotes one who more easily derives joy from solitary experiences.New data published in the Journal of Research in Personality identifies the social and emotional verbal cues that consistently demarcate the two.   Attract men /…

By Theselfhelpguide August 23, 2023 0