January 15, 2021 0 By Theselfhelpguide

The AquaStiq™ uses the world’s best portable water filtration technology. The same type of filter, used the world over, both in emergencies and as a daily source of drinking water in third world countries …

Click here to get your own portable water filtration!

Countries where more people die every day from contaminated water than they do from war…

Whether you’re hiking in the backcountry, camping out close to home, bugging out or even sticking it out at home after TSHTF…

Do you know the ONE thing you can never carry enough of…

No matter how much you THINK you’ve prepared?

I’ll give you a hint…



Water, unlike everything else in your preps can not be condensed, compressed, or changed in any way…

A single gallon of water weighs in at a whopping 9lbs… no matter what you do to it…

And that’s what you need just to survive ONE DAY in a crisis… any less and you and your family are at serious risk.

Weight is a serious issue when it comes to bugging out… to survive the “standard” 72-hour crisis you would need to pack an extra 27lbs of weight into your pack… that’s in addition to the rest of your gear.

Now, maybe you can carry that much extra weight… and trust me, it will take its toll on you pretty quickly…

But what about your wife?

Your children… your grandchildren?

I need you to read this… I don’t want you to make the same mistake that far too many people have…

Just because water is running… doesn’t mean that it is safe to drink… You never know what’s going on upstream… or just around the bend…